воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bateman jason married

I�should be doing english, my god I�should be doing all of my school work but as of last weekend I�have zero motivation and itapos;s starting to show.

I�need a job so bad I�wish I�had the time. �Stupid field hockey.� However, I�might be getting a job at Angelaapos;s Fashions (apparently she goes to my church and is looking for help...) for Saturdays only which would be nice to have... But I�need clothes to wear when I�work there cause I�have to dress nicely. Srsly, i have no nice clothes.

I�found out all the information about the GAP�year and Iapos;m going to fill out the forms and apply immediately, Iapos;m thinking either Ireland or somewhere in the UK so I�can travel Europe while Iapos;m there.

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curettage dilatation video


This is your Menny speaking.


As you may not know, KAMINA-AIR has experienced a change in ownership. HOWEVER Rest assured this will not adversely impact the quality and over-all ENJOYMENT of your trip with KAMINA AIRLINES.


There will also be an in-flight movie starring Boota, in Little Pig in The Big City. Ask your Black Kinsmen Sisters flight attendents for headphones and complimentary flying tanuki roast dinner. Thank you.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

center gymboree play

guess iapos;m not the one HIDING, AVOIDING, PRETENDING afterall...
and to push all the responsibility around,
thereapos;s a limit to things i guess.
as much as i tried,
iapos;m tired.

if a reply is that difficult, say so..
and i wonapos;t bother making an effort.
a year going and itapos;s still killing me.

am i retarded or retarded?
i think both. Double retarded for being a big fool.
all in all, since then, DUMB�is my middle name.
donapos;t make me say i hate ___.

wonder if anyone gave it some thought today.
or just saw it as an old grandmother nagging....

i miss my bed, and iapos;m dropping dead from sleeping at 1am and getting up at 5.45am when no oneapos;s punctual.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

chinkees tabs

"Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
Always trusts,
Always hopes,
Always perseveres."

True enough.. And isnapos;t that how God loves us too?

The person we love, must, in some way, remind us of God. God sends people down to earth, makes them meet, and makes them feel this irresistably strong pull toward each other for no particular reason, with this in mind.

When we love someone, we love them in the name of God. We love God through this person and that is why God wants us to love in the first place.

I revel in your sensations, your essence, your fleeting touches, your gazes and your presence.

Iapos;ll always protect, and always trust you.
Iapos;ll always hope and Iapos;ll always persevere for you.

We attract people to us who are on the same wavelength and frequency as us.. We often need these people in a soul-based level, for us to learn new things. Every one you meet, you meet for a reason, it is all planned. We think we are wise, we think we are good. Basically all of us feel that we are all very matured in the ways of the world and can survive strongly on our own. It is not true. No matter how simple, each one of us needs someone.
We are not geniuses. We are not wise. We often forget that there is someone above who knows more, who knows everything, and is always looking out for us.

So i know i was sent to you, you were sent to my life, thatapos;s why you opened your mouth. And i think i am learning alot from you.. I know youapos;ll push me to God to find the answers to all these riddles and stupid games we play.

I miss you right now, and it felt like i wrapped you around my heart as i held your jacket close.

Can we make this last forever?

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